About e-MAN

e-Management of Assets in NIC,e-MAN was first conceptualized and developed in the year 2001 using ASP technology by NIC Karnataka. The application was implemented in the State NIC Centre by successfully updating the entire technical assets and carrying out physical verification in all the locations as against the actual stores records. Since then, e-MAN has become an integral part in managing the stores activity. The application was circulated to all the NIC State and UT Centres to make use of the facility. Over a period of time the application has proved its usefulness with the support from the NIC State Centres where it has been successfully implemented. There has been a constant demand from the e-MAN user community for additional features and web security compliance. To keep up the pace, redevelopment of the application using .NET platform was taken up after 17 years of successful usage incorporating the user feedback. The present version of the application is tested, robust,web-app security audit cleared. It has higher maturity level and meets the aspirations for existing and new Users for easy migration from the existing database. The application is deployed in NIC Cloud platform making it easier and available for all the State NIC Centres to have their own instances on the fly removing the necessity for hosting it separately in the State NIC Centre.This approach makes the application unique and futuristic, catering to the unified integrated management of assetsin NIC as a whole. It’s role and flow based system ensures to cover the entire aspects and functions of both Inventory and Maintenance activities of the assets in NIC Centre.


    Stores - Active

    Stores – Obsolete

    System Maintenance Group

    User -Employee

    Vendor- AMC

Salient Feature:

    Security Audit clearance obtained for the new e-MAN version 4.0 from NIC WebApp security team Vide no (Ref ID: NIC/CSD/IA/12203) dated 2017-10-12.

    Ready to deploy / create new instance of e-MAN for any State NIC Centre.

    Graphical Dashboard for the all role based Users.

    Receipt entries in to the stores.

    Receipt details like PO, Delivery Challan, Installation note,etc. are stored in the stores data base.

    Flow based for the Indents / Request / Returns of User transaction with SMS alerts.

    History of stores transaction is maintained for future reference.

    Ledger Printing of the Item Group.

    Tracking of Requests raised by the User

    Transaction of indents and returns details of items of the User.

    Obsolete declaration – ODF (GFR-16, GFR-17 and GFR-18).

    Integration with NIC-Delhi Main Stores linking with Transfer Voucher (TV) details

    Stock Inventory with multi-options.

    AMC Vendor / Supplier details.

    Login facility for the AMC vendor for effective maintenance support.

    Complaint booking and tracking of service calls of Vendor.

    Downtime / Penalty report as per AMC agreement.

    Escalation matrix of AMC vendors.

    Tracking of Service Calls.

    AMC-Vendor wise periodic downtime reports.

    Preventive Maintenance status updation and report generation.

    User Reference Manual for easy and smooth operation.